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Dodger Baseball

No Game Today

              Well, the only baseball action today will be the Yankees and Guardians in game 5.  On the other hand, there is plenty of college football and some interesting matchups.  Last night Oregon, #2 in the nation, shut out Purdue, 35-0. BYU beat Oklahoma State 38-35.  The two LA teams, USC and UCLA are both on the east coast. UCLA is playing Rutgers in New Jersey and the Trojans are in Maryland to play the Terps. 

              MLBTR has started their series on the offseason outlook for each team. It gives a list of their financial obligations, who is arbitration eligible and how much they might be getting plus a list of their free agents. So far, they have profiled about 8 teams including the Orioles, Tigers and the Royals.  The Dodgers are now back in LA and getting ready for tomorrow’s game six. I would have to believe that when all is said and done this winter, the front office is going to have to address the arm problems epidemic that has hampered the team all year, and a different approach to how the pitchers prepare for the season. You can use this post to express your opinions on tomorrow’s game and any other subjects pertaining to the Dodgers and baseball. 

           I myself am sort of a prisoner here in our building. The elevator has been out of order for several days. I did get out the other day to meet up with one of our posters. We had a nice sit down for a couple of hours and talked about Dodger baseball and some other topics. He has never been to a game at Dodger Stadium.  He lives in Kansas and was going to Denver for a meeting. I enjoyed it as much as I did when I went to a sports bar and met 3 of the fans who were posting on LADT. Bulldogs and Penguins, Watford Dodger and Patch. Always great discussing my favorite subject. 

Born June 14th, 1948, in Los Angeles California. AKA The Bear

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There are a few posters who will always prolong conversations until they have the last word. Beware. Everyone can self determine the merits of what is said. No need to argue.

Thanks Bear for all you do to keep us involved here.


Very sad to hear about your friend.
Lost a long time friend a few months ago to pancreas cancer. It was a long and painful death over almost 12 months. Extremely painful to hear from his wife how he died.
I am trying to help her with all the organizational/bureaucratic (?)things that come when someone dies.Insurances, bank accounts etc.etc.

You and Jeff are doing a great job to keep this blog up and filled with excellent content.

I was very angry how we lost that game yesterday and want to apologize if I offended other posters here.

Lets knock those Metropolitians out on Sunday. Won´t be a day too early.

Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rooting hard for the Dodgers to score early & often against Manaea, then win game 6, so we can just sweep all the rancor about Doc’s earlier pitching decisions ..under the rug.


For some maybe. Not for me.

The Mets scored 12. The strategy didn’t work. The next strategy has a better chance. They’re at home, the high leverage arms are well rested, the team knows what it needs to do. The pressure is on the Mets.

Sorry to hear about your friend Bear. You live long enough, which we have, the more of this you’re going to witness.


Sorry Bear for your friend sometimes although part of life doesnt make it suck less.


Yeah me too. Agent Orange, malaria, smoking, concussions, my drug and alcohol years. I think the only reason I’m still here is a vegetarian diet and qiuiting all the nonsense. I’m doing a whole lot better than most of the Vietnam vets I see at the VA Hospital here. I’m very lucky in many ways.

Scott Andes

Stick around for a long time Bear.


Damn Badger quite a life I lost a close friend cancer from agent orange he said and a another a marine from a land mine God Bless.

Jeff Dominique

So are we that are glad you are still here with us.


Thanks. Me too.


You and Blue, who I doubt can sing a lick, are a couple of my favorite old farts.

Singing the Blue

Bad enough you insult my trade proposals. Now you’re insulting my singing?

You think Bear is the only one around here who has sung the Star Spangled Banner before a Dodger game? I’ll have you know I sang it in my shower prior to game 1 of the NLCS (my wife did not give it a very good review).

I do appreciate, however, being included in your Top Old Farts list and it’s an honor to be on there with Badger.


I have. You’re damm good.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Badger
Singing the Blue

Hey Bear, somewhere in the deep past I believe you posted a link to something you sang and I agree with Badger, you’re very good.

After all, Wes Parker would never have a conversation with a guy who sang off key.


As am I with you Jefe.


See Bear, in the previous thread a lot people here were agreeing with the point I was making yesterday that you were arguing with me about yesterday. It was unnecessary on your part.

By the way guys, Bear sent me some nasty Emails with a lot of F bombs and Mother Fers too. I have the Emails for proof if anyone would like to read them.

Also, if you delete this post Bear, it shows something about you.


Get over yourself, Eric.

Jeff Dominique

Please keep it up. You can be my first ban. Leave it to you to only come out when the Dodgers lose. You are a troll. Better yet, just go away.


I respect you Jeff. All I want to say is I’ve been here many times when the Dodgers have won. That’s all.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Eric

I am sure Dodger management had long discussions about how to approach yesterday’s game and the next two. One consideration had to be whether to give Flaherty more rest and start him Sunday which would have meant yesterday would have been a bullpen game. I wonder how sure they were of themselves with their decision.

If Sunday’s game uses the team’s best relievers and the team still has to play Monday, then Yamamoto will have an opportunity to earn his paycheck. I like the Dodgers chances more than I like the Mets.

Teo can get into a rut and when he does it’s not pretty. Max is looking good but could look better if he were open to going to the opposite field on away pitches but he seems locked in for the pull.

I wish Outman were getting at least bench experience during the playoffs. It’s not like Kiermaier is being used, not even for the designated bunt.

Pages is hitting better when the other team has a big lead and pitchers are not being all that careful with him. He has made three strong throws to home but two of them have been up the third base line. It’s like a pitcher who can’t throw a great fastball over the plate.

Edward is having a great playoff.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Bumsrap

Yamamoto will not be able to take the ball in a potential Game 7 if the Dodgers continue with their way of handling him.

Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 2 hours ago by dodgerram
Jeff Dominique

It will be Buehler to start, but if they believe Yamamoto is needed, they will not hesitate to use him.


I forgot about Buehler. I feel a lot better now. I agree Jeff, no need to save Yamamoto for the WS if he is needed to get there.


I see us winning tomorrow.


I doubt they will risk there 325 million investment . They have made it clear they will only pitch him once a week.
Lets hope this discussion is all but academic and we win GAme 6.

Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He only threw 73 pitches. Maybe he could go an inning. I wonder if Knack plays into it.

Singing the Blue

Edward = Edman?


We are all sharing our opinions and we cerainly are usually wrong about what the FO will do so If you don’t agree w someone just say from my pov I see it this way. Of course we all have a lot of knowledge and history in this game and egos that make us want to be right, but after all these years we should have learned to have the grace to let someone share their thoughts wo arguing w them. Yes some people come across as arrogant(me?) and some like to take them down. And of course we want to correct factual errors. But haven’t we also learned that this form of communication lacks in some ways? Lets just share our opinions and enjoy the ride!


Yours is a level-headed take

Watford Dodger

Michael, thanks for all the hard work as always.

That day watching the game with you, B&P and Patch was the favorite part of my trip. Hope Patch is ok, I miss his posts.

Don’t stress on people’s opinions because you’re never goanna keep everyone happy. Be happy knowing that you’re bringing a lot of happiness to a lot of us Dodger fans out here.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Watford Dodger

All they need is field that seats 16,000

Watford Dodger

Eric – hope you’re good.

You know I’ve got a lot of time for you, but i’m not sure what’s going on, and what your agenda is?

You are a very knowledgeable baseball fan but you must understand that not everyone is gonna agree with your takes, and that’s fine because that’s how life works.

It seems you take affront when this happens and then go on the attack determined to prove your point, over and over and over again.

You then belabour the point and find it impossible to let it go, referencing posts made in previous threads etc.

We all like to be right, and i’m no exception, but you don’t have to be right, and especially have the last word.

Please don’t be offended by this, but I just wanted to say something to you before you get banned from this place, and I know you would miss being part of this community.

You alienated yourself from Mark, and now you’re doing it again here a with Jeff.

You have a lot to offer, and I know you’re a good guy, just try and enjoy it because it’s not a competition.

Last edited 56 minutes ago by Watford Dodger
Singing the Blue

Eric, please read what Watford has said here.
You seem like a good guy and you have some interesting takes.

Just don’t think everyone is out to get you. Jeff D. is the most tolerant blog administrator I’ve seen and if you’ve reached his red line, you need to think about how you’re reacting to people here.

These folks may disagree with some of your comments, but it doesn’t mean they think you are stupid. You can always defend your viewpoint, but no need to defend yourself as a person. That’s when things seem to get out of hand.

Stay calm, and stick around.

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