Well, the only baseball action today will be the Yankees and Guardians in game 5. On the other hand, there is plenty of college football and some interesting matchups. Last night Oregon, #2 in the nation, shut out Purdue, 35-0. BYU beat Oklahoma State 38-35. The two LA teams, USC and UCLA are both on the east coast. UCLA is playing Rutgers in New Jersey and the Trojans are in Maryland to play the Terps.
MLBTR has started their series on the offseason outlook for each team. It gives a list of their financial obligations, who is arbitration eligible and how much they might be getting plus a list of their free agents. So far, they have profiled about 8 teams including the Orioles, Tigers and the Royals. The Dodgers are now back in LA and getting ready for tomorrow’s game six. I would have to believe that when all is said and done this winter, the front office is going to have to address the arm problems epidemic that has hampered the team all year, and a different approach to how the pitchers prepare for the season. You can use this post to express your opinions on tomorrow’s game and any other subjects pertaining to the Dodgers and baseball.
I myself am sort of a prisoner here in our building. The elevator has been out of order for several days. I did get out the other day to meet up with one of our posters. We had a nice sit down for a couple of hours and talked about Dodger baseball and some other topics. He has never been to a game at Dodger Stadium. He lives in Kansas and was going to Denver for a meeting. I enjoyed it as much as I did when I went to a sports bar and met 3 of the fans who were posting on LADT. Bulldogs and Penguins, Watford Dodger and Patch. Always great discussing my favorite subject.
Born June 14th, 1948, in Los Angeles California. AKA The Bear

I would sincerely like to apologize to anyone I might have offended in any way. I do not like to get into arguments on this site. And yesterday there was a running feud that just pissed me off. I do not want this site to become a battleground when we disagree. Jeff is already stressed enough. I got enough of that on LADT when I wrote there. It takes a lot of personal time to research story lines and even recap the games. I do this because I love the game and the team. I have only met a few of the fans who post on these sites. They are passionate, and for the most part, very knowledgeable fans. I want to keep doing this for as long as possible. I myself might have to go to California soon. My best friend, who lives in Lancaster, is in a care facility. His wife called me the other day to let me know. She does not expect him to return home. He has severe diabetes, an infection in his leg, plus he is suffering from dementia. Gary is a great guy, a close friend, and a native Brooklynite.
There are a few posters who will always prolong conversations until they have the last word. Beware. Everyone can self determine the merits of what is said. No need to argue.
Thanks Bear for all you do to keep us involved here.
I do what I can, it takes a lot of my time sometimes. But I love doing it.
Apology accepted
Very sad to hear about your friend.
Lost a long time friend a few months ago to pancreas cancer. It was a long and painful death over almost 12 months. Extremely painful to hear from his wife how he died.
I am trying to help her with all the organizational/bureaucratic (?)things that come when someone dies.Insurances, bank accounts etc.etc.
You and Jeff are doing a great job to keep this blog up and filled with excellent content.
I was very angry how we lost that game yesterday and want to apologize if I offended other posters here.
Lets knock those Metropolitians out on Sunday. Won´t be a day too early.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Ram, I appreciate it.
Rooting hard for the Dodgers to score early & often against Manaea, then win game 6, so we can just sweep all the rancor about Doc’s earlier pitching decisions ..under the rug.
Need a pretty big rug.
For some maybe. Not for me.
The Mets scored 12. The strategy didn’t work. The next strategy has a better chance. They’re at home, the high leverage arms are well rested, the team knows what it needs to do. The pressure is on the Mets.
Sorry to hear about your friend Bear. You live long enough, which we have, the more of this you’re going to witness.
Sorry Bear for your friend sometimes although part of life doesnt make it suck less.
Thanks Sandy. No, life just happens, and people only live for a short time if you think about it.
Thanks Badger, I really appreciate it. I have lost a lot of friends over the last few years. My sons mother passed and then my exe wife died earlier this year. Tougher on the kids than it was me since they were both close to her. I am just surprised that I have outlived them.
Yeah me too. Agent Orange, malaria, smoking, concussions, my drug and alcohol years. I think the only reason I’m still here is a vegetarian diet and qiuiting all the nonsense. I’m doing a whole lot better than most of the Vietnam vets I see at the VA Hospital here. I’m very lucky in many ways.
Same here, bad eating habits, a lot of alcohol until I quit in 1990. Long haul driving is not conducive to good health. Diabetes has totally changed my eating habits that is for sure.
Stick around for a long time Bear.
Doing my best. I feel pretty good for one of the old farts.
Damn Badger quite a life I lost a close friend cancer from agent orange he said and a another a marine from a land mine God Bless.
My former roommate and friend, Rick, passed away in 2016 from cancer. He also was exposed to Agent Orange when he was in Nam. He was a helo mechanic.
So are we that are glad you are still here with us.
Thanks. Me too.
You and Blue, who I doubt can sing a lick, are a couple of my favorite old farts.
Bad enough you insult my trade proposals. Now you’re insulting my singing?
You think Bear is the only one around here who has sung the Star Spangled Banner before a Dodger game? I’ll have you know I sang it in my shower prior to game 1 of the NLCS (my wife did not give it a very good review).
I do appreciate, however, being included in your Top Old Farts list and it’s an honor to be on there with Badger.
You sure that was an insult aimed at you Blue???? I am not sure anyone here has heard me sing.
I have. You’re damm good.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Hey Bear, somewhere in the deep past I believe you posted a link to something you sang and I agree with Badger, you’re very good.
After all, Wes Parker would never have a conversation with a guy who sang off key.
Yes, a friend of mine has a website, and he put a couple of original songs I wrote on his site. He did the mixing and the background vocals. I actually sang a lot better when I was younger. But I did my best on those tracks. One of the songs, Don’t Look Down on Me, was dedicated to homeless vets and the vets who came home during Nam and were looked down on. Site is garyandmaureenshoe.com. Go to Arroyo Music. Then it will say artists, and just click on Bear.
I was wondering why he doesn’t return my calls.
All songs should be sung blue during the playoffs
One of Diamond’s best tunes.
As am I with you Jefe.
Your wife was probably just happy you took your weekly shower
They are a much better team at home. 52-29. I feel pretty good about their chances.
See Bear, in the previous thread a lot people here were agreeing with the point I was making yesterday that you were arguing with me about yesterday. It was unnecessary on your part.
By the way guys, Bear sent me some nasty Emails with a lot of F bombs and Mother Fers too. I have the Emails for proof if anyone would like to read them.
Also, if you delete this post Bear, it shows something about you.
Not going to delete it. Yeah, I said those things, and I sent them to you personally. If I am going to attack you personally, I will do it in private, not on a site about baseball. What you kept doing was unnecessary. And you called me and Bluto names on the site. That is unacceptable. You want to cry, go somewhere else. Because unless your posts are about baseball and no personal stuff like this one, you are gone. And if you don’t like that, take it up with the site administrator Jeff D. And never call another poster a name period. Go ahead and share them. I think less posters agree with you than you think. By the way Eric, you know nothing about me.
Get over yourself, Eric.
Please keep it up. You can be my first ban. Leave it to you to only come out when the Dodgers lose. You are a troll. Better yet, just go away.
I respect you Jeff. All I want to say is I’ve been here many times when the Dodgers have won. That’s all.
You post about baseball and the Dodgers, and you are more than welcome here. Keep the personal stuff out of it.
My God man why are you even here then? The guy put himself out there and you post this?
I am sure Dodger management had long discussions about how to approach yesterday’s game and the next two. One consideration had to be whether to give Flaherty more rest and start him Sunday which would have meant yesterday would have been a bullpen game. I wonder how sure they were of themselves with their decision.
If Sunday’s game uses the team’s best relievers and the team still has to play Monday, then Yamamoto will have an opportunity to earn his paycheck. I like the Dodgers chances more than I like the Mets.
Teo can get into a rut and when he does it’s not pretty. Max is looking good but could look better if he were open to going to the opposite field on away pitches but he seems locked in for the pull.
I wish Outman were getting at least bench experience during the playoffs. It’s not like Kiermaier is being used, not even for the designated bunt.
Pages is hitting better when the other team has a big lead and pitchers are not being all that careful with him. He has made three strong throws to home but two of them have been up the third base line. It’s like a pitcher who can’t throw a great fastball over the plate.
Edward is having a great playoff.
Yamamoto will not be able to take the ball in a potential Game 7 if the Dodgers continue with their way of handling him.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will be Buehler to start, but if they believe Yamamoto is needed, they will not hesitate to use him.
I forgot about Buehler. I feel a lot better now. I agree Jeff, no need to save Yamamoto for the WS if he is needed to get there.
I see us winning tomorrow.
I doubt they will risk there 325 million investment . They have made it clear they will only pitch him once a week.
Lets hope this discussion is all but academic and we win GAme 6.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In a win or go home, I have to believe that goes right out the window with those four days off if it goes to Monday.
He only threw 73 pitches. Maybe he could go an inning. I wonder if Knack plays into it.
Edward = Edman?
We are all sharing our opinions and we cerainly are usually wrong about what the FO will do so If you don’t agree w someone just say from my pov I see it this way. Of course we all have a lot of knowledge and history in this game and egos that make us want to be right, but after all these years we should have learned to have the grace to let someone share their thoughts wo arguing w them. Yes some people come across as arrogant(me?) and some like to take them down. And of course we want to correct factual errors. But haven’t we also learned that this form of communication lacks in some ways? Lets just share our opinions and enjoy the ride!
Yours is a level-headed take
Michael, thanks for all the hard work as always.
That day watching the game with you, B&P and Patch was the favorite part of my trip. Hope Patch is ok, I miss his posts.
Don’t stress on people’s opinions because you’re never goanna keep everyone happy. Be happy knowing that you’re bringing a lot of happiness to a lot of us Dodger fans out here.
I do my best, but sometimes I must admit, it all gets to me. Too much going on in the world and with friends and family to listen to all of the BS.
Hey Bear. Appreciate all you do. This is the best Dodgers blog because of you and JeffD. I enjoy the banter and opportunity to vent and voice my opinion without being called a moron if I disagree. I try to state my opinion and not run it into the ground. For me, this is just a fun diversion from life for a few minutes. Whether the Dodgers win the WS or not, it will not impact my life much if any at all. I will be happy for a day or so if they win, and sad for a week or so if they lose. Life will go on.
I thought the banter about game 5 was very civil. No one calling for Doc’s or AF’s head or name calling.
Looking like the Rays are going to have to find a temporary home for the 25 season. Damage to Tropicana from the hurricane was extensive.
All they need is field that seats 16,000
Yep, some talked about Olympic Stadium in Montreal, but it is also having its roof replaced. It will be three years before it will be ready. They could always play in Miami.
Eric – hope you’re good.
You know I’ve got a lot of time for you, but i’m not sure what’s going on, and what your agenda is?
You are a very knowledgeable baseball fan but you must understand that not everyone is gonna agree with your takes, and that’s fine because that’s how life works.
It seems you take affront when this happens and then go on the attack determined to prove your point, over and over and over again.
You then belabour the point and find it impossible to let it go, referencing posts made in previous threads etc.
We all like to be right, and i’m no exception, but you don’t have to be right, and especially have the last word.
Please don’t be offended by this, but I just wanted to say something to you before you get banned from this place, and I know you would miss being part of this community.
You alienated yourself from Mark, and now you’re doing it again here a with Jeff.
You have a lot to offer, and I know you’re a good guy, just try and enjoy it because it’s not a competition.
Eric, please read what Watford has said here.
You seem like a good guy and you have some interesting takes.
Just don’t think everyone is out to get you. Jeff D. is the most tolerant blog administrator I’ve seen and if you’ve reached his red line, you need to think about how you’re reacting to people here.
These folks may disagree with some of your comments, but it doesn’t mean they think you are stupid. You can always defend your viewpoint, but no need to defend yourself as a person. That’s when things seem to get out of hand.
Stay calm, and stick around.
Ok Bear, SC blows another one. Who’s your pick to replace Riley?
Have no clue, but I agree. Who is available?????
Urban Meyer??
My feelings on Riley have nothing to do with the team he coaches now. I harbor no ill feelings toward the USC football program, other than I’m an OU Sooners fan, not a Trojan fan.
But after the way Riley stabbed the Sooners in the back with the thoroughly dishonest way he left that program to coach for the Trojans, ..like ALL OU fans.. I’m absolutely GIDDY the backstabber Riley is falling on his face at USC, and I hope it continues so it completely tarnishes his coaching career FOREVER!!!
When the Dodgers win game 6 tommorow and get to the world series. Should they then use Ohtani as the game 1 starter and shock the Yankees that he decided to pitch. That would give the Dodgers four starters for the world series. Ohtani, Flarethy, Yamamoto, Buehler, I think they should do that because it’s the World Series. Here is an idea also make Honeywell the fourth starter he starts and if he falters it turns into a bullpen game but if he can go three innings then use him as the starter. Go Dodgers.
Watford. Eric did reply to your post. But it was deleted because he went on a rant about me. Had he just stuck to replying to you, or talked about baseball, it would not have been deleted. Eric has been warned by Jeff that he will not tolerate that kind of thing. Eric would be welcome if he stuck to baseball.
Was a post by Eric removed?
Yes. It was removed because he was warned to keep his comments about baseball, the Dodgers, or sports. No mention of any one personally. He was complaining to Watford about me. Jeff has warned him and so did I. But he just would not take the hint nor listen to the message.
It is a darn shame that Eric let his feud with Mark affect him so much.
If he sticks to baseball, he is more than welcome back. No saying things about other posters. Personally, I just would not respond to his posts as long as they are civil.
According to MLBTR, the Rockies are expecting to cut payroll this winter. And one of the ways they plan to do that is by shopping second baseman, Brendan Rodgers, and starters Austin Gomber and Cal Quantrill.
Go Guardians. I hope they can at least get the series to 6 or 7 games and stretch the Yankers pitching. Would benefit us if we get to the WS.
Totally agree. And keep Clase in the damn bullpen today no matter what!!
Damn, I knew I should have read yesterday’s posts, sounds like I missed something. Why am I not surprised that Eric was in the middle of things.
How about some Dodgers love in here, fuck really! (that’s my Mr. October blast, lol)
The pressure is on the Mets, we have been very tough this series, especially our bullpen (why the f didn’t go to it in yesterday’s game before it all blew up in the 3rd inning, really poor managing IMHO).
Okay, I’m off until tomorrow, resume your fighting, pissing and moaning, I won’t be seeing it.
Peace, Love and waterbeds, y’all
Question. You are going in for surgery and your surgeon is not 100% because he is under the weather. You know that ahead of time. What would you do??
I worked in hospitals for 6 years. Surgeons performed under all kinds of conditions. “Under the weather” means nothing. If he’s there he can perform.
Nice try.
Can we move on from this please?
Didn’t answer the question. Yes, he can perform. But, at an optimal level?
Nice try.
Guess not. Class act OD.
And also to consider: Would you not just delay your surgery for a couple of days when you know your surgeon (Flaherty)will feel better then ?
or if you can not delay it would you go with another just as good or even better surgeon (bullpen ) in that case ?
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
6 years?
Oh shit
Looks to me like maybe Soto would be worth the money.
I wonder why they let Soto bat. I mean he was only at 99%
I would not mind another 26-year-old superstar. What is even better is being with the Yankees has changed his attitude. He acts a lot more mature than he did with the Padres. But I think the Yankees go hard to keep him. From what I have read, they are ready to cut ties with Verdugo.
Bear, I agree about Soto. I don’t know if it was Judge and Stanton or Boone but I really enjoy his attitude now. Maybe it was getting away from that hot-dog infested clubhouse with Machado, Tatis and Profar. He now shows some class.
I’d take him in right field and Mookie at second in a second. Hell, it’s not my money.
I’ve been absent and just reading the nonsense and little pissing contests between the peanut gallery here. I’d like to think I don’t need to read bullshit from 5th graders. I don’t know how you and Jeff D block out all this noise on a daily basis. It gets really old.
Thanks Phil. It isn’t easy and sometimes it just gets to be too much. I prefer just talking about the games and not individuals on the team, or here. Sometimes I think the animosity against Roberts goes a little too far. I do not always agree with Doc’s decisions, but I do not have the inside info he has. Like today’s game. We all want Freeman in the lineup, but he has just been a shadow of himself ever since he turned that ankle. Made me flash back to 21 when Muncy got hurt in the last game of the season. No way Muncy was able to play. Freddie has toughed it out, but it is obvious he cannot run very well and his range in the field is limited.
As I’ve said all along, no worries here. The Dodgers will prevail. We’ve already shown who we are. Enjoy the games!
No Dodger game…. But we now we know that Yankees, as expected, will be in the World Series.
The world should be rooting for another Dodgers-Yankees classic, but there are a few million Mets fans and Dodger haters who would prefer a Subway Series. (Still hoping for an October Freeway Series before I die.)
But poor, poor pitiful Cleveland. Hated to see the rookie Rocchio botch that force play, paving the way for Soto’s HR. Ouch.
In happier news, my 15-year-old, the crafty southpaw, is coming home to Hong Kong from Shanghai today as a champion in eight-team tournament that featured two international schools from Japan, two each from Shanghai and Beijing, and one from Manila. Go Dragons!
Congrats to your son!
If we meet the Yanks in the WS we will be the underdog IMHO. Yanks have better starting pitching and both teams are about equal in the pen and on offense. Their big three with Soto, Judge and Stanton are a formidable thressome and we have an injured and hobbled FF in our 3 headed MVPsome. So I would give a slight edge to the Bronx Bombers.
But first things first, lets get to the WS before talking Yankees and our chances vs them.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!
A Trea Turner error in the playoffs a couple of years ago set the Dodgers up for a loss against the Padres. Easy play too and he blew it.
And Bear… I’ve always been appreciative of all your efforts in the blogosphere. LA Dodger Chronicles is an excellent, informative site that is usually free of the rancor and insults we find elsewhere.
Really? I was just flipped off and called a dick head.
Yeah, what’s your point? lol
Thanks Duke. Both Jeff and I agree that all of that stuff has no place on a blog and personal attacks are not part of what he has set out to do here. Jeff does this out of love of the game and the team. Fans are passionate, I get that, but we all root for the same team.
DR talking Game 6 options , injuries.
Doc among other stuff says they will be able to go with all their high leverage guys both in Game 6 and if necessary Game 7.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You guys are just as passionate as we are. But someone has to drive the bus. We realize it’s not easy.
You protect Roberts. I get that too. But he is not perfect. We will never know. But this series may be over if Knack never takes the mound. If I grill the perfect BBQ ribs, why in the H would I change the recipe?
The Dodgers do weird shit. They just do. And it makes your job harder because the people in here are intelligent fans.
Why start JF when you clearly have other options? Why watch him absolutely implode? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
I only really come here to share Dodger stuff. The other blogs/Reddit/X…all toxic. This is a nice place to hang out.
Rule #1 in the Blog handbook….
It’s fine to challenge comments. It is never OK to attack the commentor. They are not attacking YOU. It’s not personal.
Keep up the great work 😁
Who is “you” and “we”
You guys are just as passionate as we are. But someone has to drive the bus. We realize it’s not easy.
The Dodgers Reddit and the TrueBlue community are pretty far from controversial and have pretty heady talk.
None of them apply to you. That’s all YOU need to know.
Thanks? He insults Bluto and you thank him?
WTF is going on in here?
Where did he insult Bluto ?#
Did I miss something ?
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well, another testament to my senilty lately.
Oh well, another testament to my senility lately.
Well that was a quick erasure Bear. I wonder how many actually saw it.
Realized I posted it under the wrong comment.
You doesn’t apply to me?
maybe more specificity would help?
Thanks Rodger, as for protecting Roberts, well, I usually do not lay the losses on the manager. To me performance is always on the player. Do I question some of DR’s moves? Yes, especially when it is something like he did in the 18 World Series when he pulled Hill who was cruising at the time. During the season, it is way too long to keep harping on his every move. The Dodger way of doing things changed when Freidman took over. It is so much about matchups and the analytics now. Used to be just put your best 8 players out there every day. But it has been a long time since they used that philosophy.
I have to believe that a key to winning this series is Teo becoming more like he was than what he has done in this series. He hasn’t hit a single ball hard, and he has no hits. Also, I would sit Freddie. It is obvious that he is still having problems with his ankle. Sit him today and don’t play him again until the Series starts. They won without him before; they can do it again.
Will post a summary after the game. Hopefully we are World Series bound.
This time of year is an emotional rollercoaster every single time.
We are lucky to have this every October.
My 59 year old heart says otherwise!😀
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
59? Damn, I wish I was that young again!
I was just thinking that. I remember the lean years. 67-74. I also remember a couple of really bad Dodger teams. We are truly lucky to be witnessing what we are. Other than the Braves run in the 90’s and a few years of Yankee dominance, no franchises have been this successful. A lot of fans think that because you get there a lot, you should win more than the one they have won. Not that easy, because I have seen the transition from a 16-team organization to the 30-team organization it is now, I know how difficult it is to just get there anymore. A lot easier when you just had to be the best team in your league.
Lineup for NLDS game 6:
DH Ohtani L 1.205
RF Betts R 1.235
LF Hernández, T. R .280
SS Edman S .891
1B Muncy L 1.482
3B Hernández, K. R .841
CF Pages R 1.218
C Smith R .396
2B Taylor R .629
No Freddie. Teo batting 3rd??? Would really help if Teo shows up.
Lets win one for Freddie!
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They won with that lineup. If they win tonight, Freddie can actually get almost a week off of his feet before the Series starts. It would be a good thing. Taylor can be a difference maker if he hit like he did in prior playoffs. Asking a lot, but it’s not like he hasn’t done it before.
Ok gents (and any ladies we have here), today is birthday #53 for me.
My best bday present I ever received? My 17th bday, Oct 20, 1988, when the Dodgers won the World Series over Oakland.
My 2nd best bday present I ever received? Oct 20, 2018. I was at Laker Opening Night (actually Lebron’s first game in a Laker uniform), but I spent most of that game in the suites watching Dodgers at Milwaukee NLCS Game 7, which we won to go to the World Series.
I’ll be at Blue Heaven tonight, so seeing us win and celebrate and head to the World Series will become #2 if/when it happens.
Let’s get this!
Happy B-day to you Bobby!
Make it 3!
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Bobby. My happiest birthday was several years ago when I was still a Lakers fan. They won the championship on my birthday. Back when it was the Show Time Lakers with Magic and James Worthy.
Happy B’day Bobby!
Let’s hope you get what you wish for tonight, but if not, let’s hope your wish is only delayed by 24 hours.
Many Happy Returns Bobby. I hope you get what you want.
These 1am start times are playing havoc with my work schedule.
Kopech named the opener. Smith is hitting 8th.
Wow, that is surprising. Going with your closer (along with Treinen) as the opener is bold.
TBH I do not like that decision.
Would have gone Brasier or maybe Hudson.
Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He has done that before. And I think he wants to neutralize Alonso doing something to get them started early. Also, Lindor homered off of Brasier in the first inning when he opened in NY. Put them in a hole.
Here’s hoping we put the Mets to bed in game 6…..At my age, I try to minimize stress to my aging heart. Game 7s are not wanted. Go Dodgers….get it done today…..PRETTY PLEASE! Thank you….TM
Totally agree. Game 7’s are too much of a crap shoot.
Almost game time. Let’s win one for Fragile Freddie!
“Michael, thanks for all the hard work as always.
That day watching the game with you, B&P and Patch was the favorite part of my trip. Hope Patch is ok, I miss his posts.
Don’t stress on people’s opinions because you’re never goanna keep everyone happy. Be happy knowing that you’re bringing a lot of happiness to a lot of us Dodger fans out here.” – Watford Dodger
Hey Roger! I was very touched to see you mention me. Thank you! If you’re ever back in OC, don’t hesitate to look me up. Would love to take you out on the town … or just grab a beer. Right now I even have a spare bedroom and can hook you up. spamail12003@yahoo.com is a throwaway email I don’t mind being public. Send something there and I’ll get your info in my legit email addy.
Saw your note to Eric, too. It was very well meaning. I’ve just checked out of these these blogs, and have recently popped my head back in now that it’s playoff time. Same nonsense – both here and on Timmon’s site. Just drama and babies and egos.
Eric, as someone who has given you advice and defended you, I mean this sincerely when I say stop being a whiny bitch. Yes, that was blunt, but you need to stop obsessing over having to be right about a particular point about baseball that really means nothing. You have funneled your self-esteem into somehow getting people to acknowledge that you are right about some thing. No one cares, and people have egos of their own that they aggressively protect.
Personally, Eric, I would say that you have legitimate space to second guess Doc on the decision to leave in Flaherty in the last game. I don’t know what “under the weather” actually means, but something was clearly off.
I was sitting in a bar watching the game and I actually yelled during the 1rst inning, “What is going on with Flaherty!” I think I saw him throw 10 consecutive breaking balls at one point, and the occasional four seamer I did see him throw was high effort, no control and 90-91 MPH. “That can’t be right!” I told myself, and had to look up his four seamer stats for the year. He usually sits at 93-94.
He was fooling nobody. The Alonso homer was actually not a terrible pitch – low breaking ball. He was able to dig it out and hit it over 430 feet because he knew it was coming and had no respect for Jack’s fastball. The Mets were just drilling him because he simply couldn’t mix in an effective four seamer.
It was apparent in the first inning that Flaherty was not effective and was not going to be effective. So, by leaving him in Doc was effectively writing off game five in the first inning.
BTW – all the chattering about Flaherty being a big boy and going out there and toughing it out even if he wasn’t 100% is just really dumb. He was ineffective! That’s the point.
I think you can legitimately question that decision. I don’t know that it was the wrong decision. There would have been serious downstream consequences to changing up The Plan and going with a bullpen game on Friday, but it is certainly something to be questioned and to discuss in good faith.
So now you can make the argument that the edge now goes to the Mets. It’s going to be a bullpen game, and if a bullpen game works the manager looks like a genius (San Diego), but it only take one of those eight pitchers to have a bad game and shit the bed and now the game’s out of reach (Landon Knack).
So, now we go to a game 7 with Walker Buehler on the mound. That inspires NO confidence. Buehler had a great game mixing up pitches and getting the Mets to chase during the last game, but the Mets are going to be going over his sequencing strategy from the other night and are going to adjust. If it was me as Mets coach, my strategy would be to make Buehler beat you with his four and two seamers in the zone. His four seamer has been terrible all year. He’s just not the pitcher he was. He’s likely going to get rocked if the Mets have good plate discipline.
So, Dodgers lose in seven. It could very easily happen.
So, you have a point, Eric. But people aren’t obligated to agree with you. And, you know, a think lesson I’ve learned is to simply not care what other people think about you or your opinion. They have their own issues.
So, to put a fine point on it, I think you’re right about Mark. I think the genesis of that whole flap between you and him was you criticizing a player he had a ridiculous man crush on. The Miguel Vargas nonsense was just embarrassing. He didn’t like it. His ego couldn’t handle it. He had to punish you for it. He understood how to press your buttons and manipulate your insecurities to get you to overreact, and then he played the martyr – like he was some victim.
I thought what he did to you was BS, and I no longer go to his site, in large measure, because that and his stupid personality cult.
I come here and Jeff does the same thing.
“Someone had an opinion I don’t like, and I’m going to take my ball and go home …and then you’ll all really be sorry!”
“We love you, Jeff! Don’t go! We’re sorry! We’ll try not to offend you again!”
It’s such childishness. LOL.
Poor Badger phrases his criticism of Doc like he’s got battered wife syndrome.
“If I was to mildly criticize Doc about one thing it’s that maybe, kind of, sort of, possibly he left Knack in the game too long. Don’t be upset, Jeff!” It’s hysterical.
I enjoy spirited arguments. I don’t think I fit in here. I don’t care about egos and people’s fragile psyches.
You shouldn’t either, Eric. Have an opinion. Don’t suck with it. When arguing with someone, ALWAYS attack the premise of their argument or their bad behavior, and don’t engage in personal attacks of your own.
Stick to your guns. Argue in good faith. Don’t be afraid to piss people off so long as you’re arguing with integrity. And if people attack you that’s on them and they can go suck a bag of dicks.
Words to live by, my friend.
Go Dodgers!
Series MVP!!!!
Tommy “Freakin” Edman you’re the man!
Brasier is a bewildering pitcher:
Lots of HRs (3 in 6.0 IP) not a lot of missed bats (just 3 Ks),
Diving deeper: FIP of 7.75 coming into this outing, BUT 95% strand rate
Brasier gets the team through five.
four more innings:
one each for Trienen, Hudson and Phillips for one each.
knack and Henriquez for one?
that is best case, anticipating nobody has an off-day.
fine line
Phillips going 2
Don’t think so. I think it’s Hudson for the 7th.
Then ______
Then Treinen for the 9th?
Super Fine Line.
I think Hudson might come back out to get an out or 2 in the 8th and then Treinen will get the last 3-4 outs.
Treinen in 8th for the heart of their lineup, then fingers crossed in the 9th!
Still would have done 2innings with Phillips
At one point this season, can’t remember who, Roberts brought in a relief pitcher with a 2-strike count.
I’d love to see that kind of thinking for the 8th. Just get 3 outs.
For the record, I hate Treinen for 6 outs.
I like him a lot better after only 12 pitches! What an incredible inning!!!!!
Bluto, you can now close it out for us!
Nice little nugget on Dodger pitcher development:
Might be a little easier now…..
Is it weird I’m hoping for Honeywell to finish it off?
He ate up a lot of innings so the rest of the pen would be fresh tonight. Good on him
The Dodgers win the pennant, The Dodgers win the pennant, The Dodgers win the pennant!!!!
Awesome victory for the Dodgers!
Every player made this happen. A total team effort. On to play the Yankees.
I think Robert’s job is safe, at least for another week!
I would bet he gets an extension.