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Talkin Tuesday

         It has been an interesting Tuesday. Found out from a friend that a 4.4 earthquake hit L.A yesterday. Also trying to understand the roster move the Dodgers made prior to yesterday’s game with the Brewers. I wasn’t the only one questioning why the Dodgers would DFA a player they traded for just 13 days ago. Dave Roberts explained on Google news that they just did not see much playing time for Rosario with the players they have returning as soon as next week. 

         Muncy and Edman are supposed to be activated the next homestand. There were no games in the minors yesterday, so Edman and Max have to wait until this evening to continue their re-hab in Las Vegas, against the Aviators, an A’s affiliate. I was also evaluating what I saw in yesterday’s game with Milwaukee. 

          In my eyes, Kershaw pitched a very efficient game. I knew he would probably not go longer than 5 innings, but he got 2 outs in the 6th before Roberts pulled him with a runner on and two outs. Kelly gave up a 2-run homer, but in all fairness, the ump missed a strike three call on Contreras. Kelly gave up two more hits before he got out of the inning. But the rest of the game the pen was nails. 

        I was also interested in how Mookie would do after missing 45 games. His first at-bat, he struck out, but he looked pretty comfortable at the plate. Peralta sailed through the first inning. If you look at the box score, you will see that the 3-4-5 hitters were 0-12 with 5 K’s. Will Smith was 0-2 but he walked twice. Mookie and Ohtani drove in all five runs, but the game would have been a lot closer had not Kike, in the third, and Kiermaier, in the 5th, gotten key singles. Kiermaier had his 7th sacrifice of the year in the third moving Kike to second. Ohtani made an out, but then Mookie then hit a homer over the left field wall. 2-0. In the fifth, Kiermaier singled up the middle and Ohtani went yard to left center. Then Ohtani and Mookie combined with 2-outs to get an insurance run in the 7th. Ohtani walked, stole second, his 33rd, and Mookie hit a single to right that scored Ohtani.   

       Kershaw was charged with 1 of the 2 runs, Kelly the other. Kersh struck out 6, Kelly 1, Vesia, 3, Kopech, 2. Hudson got his 9th save. They face Colin Rea. The 34-year-old righty is 10-3 this year with a 3.38 ERA. The Dodgers will counter with Gavin Stone. They really need a good outing from Stone who has struggled his last several starts. His ERA over his last seven games is 5.20. He has given up 21 earned runs in 36.1 innings. 

       No pitchers yet announced for the Dodgers for games 3 or 4. Padres and Arizona won their games, so the lead is still 3.5. Dodgers need to take care of their own business and do not watch the scoreboard. Dodgers’ games will be over or near over by the time Az and the Padres start theirs. 

      43 games left for the Dodgers. SD and Az have 42 remaining. Kershaw’s win was # 211 of his career. Doubtful he will pitch long enough to catch Sutton at 233. But he is closing in on 3000 K’s. He is now just 39 away from joining that club. He could with a little luck reach it this year. 

Born June 14th, 1948, in Los Angeles California. AKA The Bear

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I have to say I’m a little shocked that Rosario was DFA’d. I can understand that there is a bit of bottle neck at SS, but wouldn’t it have been more understandable to send Pages back to the farm and keep Rosario who can both hit and field? Someone mentioned attitude but I can find no news or mention of this as a factor. This is the 2nd time Rosario was traded for and not really used much. Strange.

Why does Doc always pull the starter with 2 outs left? Is this kind of a signature tick that he has or is there some unseen strategy that I’m missing? And, sure enough, Kelly blows his assignment. Was Kershaw incapable of getting one more out? This is even worse when the starter has a chance to win and is pulled with 4.2 innings and the BP blows the lead.

Nice game from Kershaw and great to see Mookie back in the lineup. Wham Bam, 4 runs scored on 2 HRs from #1 and 2. Even the bottom of the order is starting to make some noise. It’s a whole different feeling if they can play like this consistently. We may not be getting any help from SD and AZ like they gave us in the first half of the season. They’re our best friends, so far.


He pulled Kersh with 2 outs, not one, and he had reached 83 pitches which is his high water mark this season. And Kelly got squeezed on the pitch prior. It was a strike. He tried to throw one close to the same location on the next pitch, but it was too much in the zone. He pulled Ryan because he was injured. Stone was getting knocked around when he was pulled. I can understand why some got upset the first time he pulled Ryan. But the last time, there was no way he was going to let him continue. The starters have not been doing that well except Flaherty and Glasnow. Kersh did a great job tonight. And he did not argue when Doc came to get him. He was close to being out of gas.


My bad. I meant to say 1 out left. Ryan I understand, but Doc always pulls them with 1 out left. Kersh never argues.


In 22 starts since the.AS break 9 starters were pulled w 2 outs in the inning,1 with 1 out, and 12 completed the inning.


You don’t find that odd and surprising?

Duke Not Snider

I was annoyed with Kelly, but my son explained that he got screwed by the ump–cheated out strike 3.
Hate it when that happens.
Remember the controversy when Teo “checked” his swing–at least according to the first base ump–and then hit a game-winner? Sometime you get the call, and sometimes you don’t.

TennisMenace (TM)

I’m very surprised Rosario is the odd man out….why wasn’t it Ahmed? With Rojas back, doesn’t Ahmed become irrelevant?

Rosario also has a good stick, better than Ahmed, and as I recall, he shows up in the playoffs too. Maybe I’m thinking of a different guy, so let me know if I got this last comment wrong.-TM


The Mookster is BAAAAACKKK!
Good win with Clayton dealing.

I do not understand Roberts however. Clayton was mowing them down, pitch count okay and he takes him out. Kelly promptly gives up the 2 run HR though as Bear said the previous pitch nicked the outside corner and should have been strike 3.

But that is not the point. Point is once again Roberts showed poor instincts with his pitching changes.

It feels like every time Kelly is in or Grove we give up runs instantly. Orel said Kelly has allowed 8 of 14 inhertited runners to score. Why then bring him in with men on base ?
Overall Kelly and Grove for me are the two weakest links in the current bullpen.
At some time this season I would give Henriquez and Dreyer a look.
Wrobleski IMHO could also be a great weapon out of the pen. And maybe Bobby Miller too if he can get his mental problems solved.

Roberts said they would not have much playing time for Rosario with MM and Edman soon back and therefore they DFAed him. Sure, if you do not play a guy and instead trot out a legion of .200 hitters instead there is no playing time for him.
Rosario with his flexibility and his high batting average vs RHP and LHP would have been an ideal bench player. But hey, if the Dodgers think Kike, Ahmed, Kirmayr and probably CT3 when he is back give them a better shot at winning , so be it.

Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Maybe Doc will learn that it is not a good idea to bring Guano Kelly in with runners on base. He is too erratic. I hope he is not on the playoff roster.

They should have kept Rosario and optioned Pages. Rosario was a perfect platoon partner with Lux and a better bench option than Ahmed, Kiermaier, Kike, Heyward, and KT3. .


Pages is doing well all things considered. Keeps his average around .250 and while not a gold glove CF by any means he is holding down the fort there too. I would have DFAed Ahmed. You do not need both him and Rojas.

Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


On the Dodgers, you seem to need 2 SS even with Mookie back. Pages deserves a break. He’s not a full time CF and he’s not getting PT with Mookie in RF. At this point in the season, you keep your defensive tool guys.

Duke Not Snider

When Max and Edman are activated, Pages will be optioned and either Ahmed or Kerimaier will be DFA’d.
But what do I know?
I figured Rosario would make the playoff roster.

NH Dodger

I had read where in the two previous at bats in this game against Kershaw, Contreras had two balls in play with exit velocities of 108 mph and 110 mph. The results of the move were not ideal but the decision made sense to me given Kershaw’s pitch count and how well Contreras had hit the ball vs. Kershaw. The outcome is on Kelly (and a bit on the umpiring perhaps).


He hit both of those balls off Kersh very hard. His double was a rocket. I am pretty sure that had a lot to do with Roberts pulling him with a man on.


The decision to pull Kersh was logical and a good decision. The choice of which pitcher to bring in was not a good one. Kelly is not good at stranding inherited runners. He should only be used to start non high leverage innings.

Last edited 2 months ago by OhioDodger

Nice to see them playing up to their capabilities. Muncy to 3b, Edman to CF, Pages can spell Edman occasionally when Rojas sits and Edman moves to SS. Postseason bullpen needs to be locked in by end of next month.


Dionysus, under your scenario what’s going to happen to Heyward


Heyward will probably be the 4th outfielder. Reason being, and this might not sit well with some, he is much better defensively than Pages. They can send Pages to the minors for a couple of weeks and then re-call him when the rosters expand on the first of September.


I think they should have optioned Pages and kept Rosario. Seems that would have put off a decision on who to DFA and give them more options going forward.


The Dodgers aren’t bothered one iota over releasing Rosario.
Still seems like a wasted trade.


I read yesterday that Doc said it was a tough decision, but he did not see a lot of runway for Rosario to get much playing time. Yarbrough was struggling and had been DFAd, so they weren’t losing anything. If Kike had not gotten hot the last couple of weeks, he might have been the one DFAd.


Kike’s timing was impeccable.


There won’t be an explanation why the Dodgers would release an inexpensive .300 hitting utility man. Why trade for him? Because, that’s why.

Interesting read in the Times this morning focusing on Gomes. For some reason it triggered a thought about payroll. Many teams spend hundreds of millions on payroll only to see teams like Arizona slide into the World Series. Last year only 1 Top 10 payroll team made it. Texas at #4. I would not be surprised if it happens again, and again. A young healthy, athletic team, like the dbacks, could get hot at the end of the year while those older expensive players fade after being hot at the beginning of the year. There may be no data to support that hypothesis, it’s just a thought.

Stone. To me he looks like a kid who could use some R&R. I took mine in Sydney. 7 days of lying around beautiful beaches, eating real food, meeting and partying with interesting people. Don’t know where Stone might go but he should go.

Last edited 2 months ago by Badger

To your middle point about team getting hot at the end of the year (which I agree likely happens, again):

SD and AZ, and to a point SF, are hot right now. However, it may be too early. They’ll cool off. We, however, with this tight race, and with getting half our team back, might be primed to peak the last 6 weeks of the year, which may help us get thru October without the pathetic excuse of “we had 4 days off that’s why we sucked”.


It’s not a thought, there’s a ton of data about the playoffs being not representative of the regular season.

I think one of the easiest to grok is here, it’s a little dated but recent results support the findings:

Calculating Skill and Luck in Major League Baseball

In real life, we do not know which team was really the best, but if we assume that it was the team with the best record during the season, then that team has won the World Series five times since 1995 when the wild card was introduced, although in one case there was a tie for the best. That works out to about 20 percent, consistent with the above table. The average rank of the World Series winner was fourth out of eight. If the playoffs were completely random, the average rank would be 4.5. The worst team has won 4 times.

In a season, the variation due to luck is about 6.3 games or about 40 percentage points. In a 7 game series, the variation is the square root of ½ times ½ times 7 which is 1.32 games or 188 percentage points. For a single game it is the square root of ½ times ½ times 1 which is .5 wins or 500 percentage points. The average difference in team skill in a game is about 55 percentage points, but if you include home/away and variation among starting pitchers, the actual difference per game is around 100 points or one run. We established that the variation due to chance is the square root of twice the number of runs involved. This means the variation of the difference in runs for a single game would be the square root of 18 or 4.25. This is over four times the variation due to skill.


Boy howdy was that an interesting read. I knew you or Jeff would have the data, but Jeff is on the IL

So what to do regarding both playing well all season and getting hot in October? Nothing apparently. The best teams in baseball for the last 30 years are Mendoza in the playoffs. I think what I will attempt to do is continue enjoying baseball season, from late February to early late September then temper expectations (and watch a lot of football) in October.

Thanks Bluto. Well done.


Eh. It’s fun to watch your team win. The Dodgers win a lot.

But your solution for switching to football is a good one! Just hope you are rooting for an NFL team that wins as much!


Rams, USC, UCLA, Oregon. So, my teams are better than .500. And yours?



Most people think luck is a lot less important than it is. A team’s record from year to year includes a great deal of luck, and luck contributes about equally as skill to a team’s eventual regular season record. (And in the postseason, it’s nearly all luck.)


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Hopefully with good preparation the outcome is favorable. Doesn’t always work out however. Like when two of your best players get 1 hit in playoff games they have been preparing for. You can call it luck or failure to execute. I think it is more failure to execute when talking about AB’s, base running, and fielding outcomes.
I think luck is more the description when the ball takes a bad bounce or a funny hop. Something purely physical with no human influence.


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

How does this flex to explain:
Injuries, bad umpires, weather, cold streaks, weak contact hits?

Duke Not Snider

Rosario was DFA’d, right?
I may be mistaken, but I think the Dodgers can still trade him for a prospect. I don’t think the trade deadline applies to players who are DFA’d. (I assume at least one contender would want Rosario.)
This was before the deadline, but the DFA’d Keirmaier was dealt for the DFA’s Yarbrough.


Hadn’t thought of that, but it would be interesting to know. The Dodgers traded for Rosario, then DFA’d him. Somebody might have the need for a .300 hitting utility player.

Phil Jones

So Captain hook did it again. 
There was absolutely no reason to pop up out of the dugout to pull Kershaw with 2 outs and a 4 run lead. Sorry Bear. I’m not buying the imaginary crisis to justify the move. The 83 pitches could have been 85 to get out of the inning nor Kelly getting squeezed as justification. I dislike pitching moves based on what might happen as opposed to what’s actually happening.

Dammit Doc, Just sit down and trust your future HOF’er to finish the inning. No Red Alert. Just trust your guy. He just has to over manage. He wants to be a participant. Nobody from upstairs is choreography that change. No way is that scripted. This is all on Doc.
*So he goes to Kelly to face will Contreras, right on right. As per my explanation yesterday, I will refer to Kelly’s personalities; Joseph or Joe.
Well, this time he was Joe. Two nights ago, it was Joesph.
Kershaw gets an extra earned run and the Brewers closed the gap. That’s on Doc.

*Kershaw has now been charged with 3 earned runs that were failures of the relievers to retire inherited runners.
*On the positive side, I loved the sac bunt in the 9 hole by Kiermaier and the stolen bases by Ohtani and Mookie. Just good, fun baseball.
*The lineup is just better with Mookie back in RF.
*Kopech has that nasty, hyperactive demeanor of a classic closer. He brings that Mojo. Hudson is so different. I can see a role reversal down the road despite Hudson doing nothing wrong in the closer role.  
*I like Kiermeier all ready. Great D in center, hustles, solid sac bunt and a knock. Just looks like a confident veteran that just wants to help the team win. If he can hit at all it would be interesting when Edman shows up. 
*Poor Will Smith, is just lost at the plate and looks beat. The wear and tear has has taken a toll on him physically.  


I thought it was a good move. Kelly strikes out Contreras, end of inning.

Having Mookie back clearly changes the lineup. Doesn’t change the starting pitching though.

I think the bullpen will figure it out. It sure would be helpful to get a consistent 6 innings from the starters, which doesn’t sound like that big an ask, but on this team it apparently is.

Kiermaier is a defensive specialist. If the ihittng instructors can get him to hit .250 the rest of the way it’s a win.

Will Smith needs some time off. I’m sure he’s telling the coaches he’s fine but he isn’t.


I totally get your point. But Contreras hit two bullets off of Kersh in his prior at bats, one a double. At 83 pitches, and it looked like he was losing a little command, it was the right move. He has also owned Kershaw going 4-7 or something like that.

Last edited 2 months ago by Michael Norris

Jack Harris has a nice look at Brandon Gomes ($$$$)

just a ton of good info, not sure what I chose to highlight below is the best representative, but the work day has started:

Make no mistake, the Dodgers’ front office is still very much Friedman’s domain. He has the final say on all key decisions… had his name included in the contract’s “key-man” clause.

“In the Ned days, you never saw the front office,” added pitcher Clayton Kershaw, referring to former GM Ned Colletti. “I think Andrew changed that, and Gomer is continuing that. And it’s good. It’s good to interact with that side of it. Not too much. But … if you’re around every day, and you feel like they’re in it with you, you have more of a trust.”

Last edited 2 months ago by Bluto

That’s the article I referenced above. The entire read made me think we are lucky to have them both.

Duke Not Snider

Yesterday’s modest 4.4 quake was centered in Highland Park, about a mile from my old home in Mt. Washington.
When the massive Northridge Quake hit, I thought my home would collapse and nearly ran outside naked.
Then I feared that I might die of embarrassment.


Great job Doc knowing that Vesia would come in in the seventh inning, get three Ks, and not give up any hits or BBs, then I was amazed by your foresight in knowing that bringing Kopech in to start the eighth would result in two more Ks, and 0 runs, I’m sure you knew there was a good chance he may let one batter get a walk or a hit, but you’re a gambler and were willing to take the chance. Then your brilliance really shines in the ninth, what do you do, “put in Phillips, no I just don’t think he’s got it today” Trienan? “Maybe, but he’s been a little up and down. I’ve got it I’ll put Hudson in to close the game out for me, that’s it that will work” Hudson for the save Dave Roberts you’re a genius.

this is as ridiculous as you guys bagging on Dave for not knowing that the ump was going to squeeze Kelly, then he was going to give up a HR. Three of his BP guys were lights out yesterday, one got squeezed. Doc plays the players the front office gives him, using the info, and the percentages the analytics department supplies for him.

if a BP guy blows up it’s “off with Docs head, if the bull pen mows them down, and saves the game no one says a word.

NH Dodger

Agree with this Keith. Again, in these cases, there are always two or more courses of action. In many instances, both decisions are reasonable. There were three good reasons to take Kershaw out at this point in time – Contreras two prior at bats vs. Kershaw, the right on right match up with Kelly, and the pitch count. At some point, if the player does not succeed that is on the player. Putting Kelly in with two outs and runner on first to get ONE out is not unreasonable. You can’t manage or coach very well if you are making decisions with the worst outcome in mind. That is what is meant by coaching “scared”.

Last edited 2 months ago by NH Dodger

Treinen is on the IL. But Brasier is very close to returning. Odd man out might be Honeywell. Actually, I think Knack goes first when Buehler is activated.

Last edited 2 months ago by Michael Norris

And it just isn’t the last two at bats vs. Kersh. In a very small sample (7 ab’s), Contreras’ OPS against him is 1.571. Believe me, I was just as upset against taking him out, given Doc’s hooks, but this was the right decision. I believe Nelson or Orel provided the stat when they took him out. People need to stop blaming Doc and trust the numbers game. It’s how the game is played these days and that’s not going to change anytime soon!!! Need a great one from Gavin today and keep it rolling.


I lived in Highland Park when I was a kid. On Ave 66 real close to the 110.


Lux hit a ball that would have cleared the fence in left center but was caught for an out. Frustrating for a hitter. Joy for a pitcher.

The Dodgers, like San Diego, have a lot of players that can play shortstop.

I like Kiermaier a lot as well. Nice to have a guy who can bunt a runner to third instead of striking out. When Muncy and Edmond join the team there is a good chance Pages will join OK although Pages hits lefties well.

I’m curious to see who gets playing time once Max and Edmonds join the team.


Muncy will start at third, Edman will start in center. If it works, no need for Kiermaier/Pages. One or both will go. If it doesn’t work, who knows. They DFA’d Rosario, so,Kiermaier could be next.

Rojas will need time off so Ahmed stays. Kiké can play all over, including center, has pop and is seeing the ball better, he stays. Barnes stays. Heyward stays. That’s it, right?


That’s it, three and a catcher is all we get. I remember when I was a kid, watching the 70s dodgers with five men in the bull pen, it seemed like there was a back up for almost every field position. In this day and age I don’t know if a team could keep a manny mota around. there is not enough room on the roster these days for specialists like that. Do any of you guys remember what the roster number was back in the seventies, I was thinking it might have been 28, but can’t remember.


From 1884 to 2020, rosters were set at 25 players. On September 1st of each season, a team could increase their active roster to as many as 40. Few teams would bring up 15 players, but many would have rosters at 30 or more. Losing teams would use those last games to get a look at their prize prospects. Pederson, Seager, both were September call-ups. Seager impressed and was the starting SS the next season. In 2020, they agreed to expand the rosters to 26. Because of the pandemic, there was also a taxi squad of sorts. And the rule for September call-ups was changed to only allow 2. LA will expand the roster to 28 players then. But it has to be one pitcher and one position player.


Ryan to have TJ surgery.


Just in: River Ryan to undergo Tommy John surgery.


This is his second, or first TJ surgery


It is his first.


Get well soon.

Go Dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree that CF needs to be addressed and improved. However, there are really not a lot of options at CF in this upcoming free agent class. Bellinger would be the best available if he opts out of his Cubs contract. Harrison Bader is the next best and then Michael Taylor. Bader and Taylor don’t really move the needle. Edman will probably be our CF next year.

Singing the Blue

I think we could live with Edman as the most-of-the-time center fielder for 2025 but more importantly we need to deal with the shortstop situation.

Is Mookie staying in RF next year? If so, can we count on MiggyRo to be the everyday shortstop at age 36? I think not.

We don’t have anyone in the organization ready to step into that role. Adames will be out there. Maybe others will be available in trade. But I think the shortstop situation will be even more of an urgency than CF.

Last edited 2 months ago by Singing the Blue

Mookie will be our shortstop next season.


I would tend to agree with you. Free agent SS market is just about as thin as CF market. Adames is the best available. Ha-seong Kim is probably the next best. Amed Rosario will also be a reasonable option. I have no idea who might be available in trade.


I’d be ok with Kim, but he isn’t a free agent until 2027, and no way are the Padres going to make a trade with the Dodgers.


Kim and the Puds have a mutual option for next year. I may be wrong but if Kim does not opt in he will be a FA.

Singing the Blue

You are correct and Kim will not opt in.


The Option is for 1 million. Doubtful he would accept that.


Baseball says the same thing about the mutual option for next year, then goes on and shows him being arb eligible in 2025, and a free agent in 2027 so I’m a little confused. We need the bear on this mystery 😀


Dodgers have a $5M team option on Rojas for next year.

Singing the Blue

We could sign Rosario and DFA him in mid April. 😀


Freeland is a possibility now that he’s at AAA.


Lux and some upper prospects for a SS, Mookie goes back to second where he would be happy.

Singing the Blue

Which shortstop would you want that would be available in trade? And no you can’t say Witt Jr.

Last edited 2 months ago by Singing the Blue

I just looked at a list of some of the top SSs, and I’m not sure there is a trade to be had, most of the top SSs are either on teams that are competitive and shouldn’t trade, or teams that would not trade with the Dodgers.


Adames will be a free agent. He could be a target.


Defensively Adames is highly rated this season. I wanted them to get him in the pre season.

Singing the Blue

IMHO Freeland is absolutely not ready to be the Dodger first string shortstop.


No, but if the powers that be feel he could be a year away, then perhaps we keep a Rojas type as opposed to trading for a younger SS.

Singing the Blue

Good updates on a lot of our prospects from Bruce Kuntz.

Dodgers Prospect Notes: Rushing and Ferris shine, Hope on fire, Casparius and Duran great, Morales continues domination, more


Jazz Chisholm to IL with a UCL injury.

Singing the Blue

He’s another one of those players who just can’t seem to stay on the field. Too bad, because he seemed to be a good fit there.


Even The field players are getting UCL injuries, maybe it’s viral.


For those of you who think mb Mookie should b lead off and Ohtani second. Traditionally the lead off hitter makes the pitcher work. Watching the games Ohtani swings at the first pitch n Mookie takes the first pitch.

just watched pages miss another catchable ball in cf. stone bails him out. Once again not sure I understand doc the chess players thinking. Pages hits lefties but there is a righty on the mound. Kiermaier can’t hit anybody but he is a lefty. Kiermaier is far superior in cf.


Yeah — I was hopeful we had seen the last of Pages in cf. Doc is stubborn.


I don’t get it. They are not doing Pages any favors putting him in RF. I thought the managers job was to put the players in the best position to succeed.


Best position to suceed offensively. Pages hit a homer today. They gave Kiermaier 16 at bats to prove them wrong and he went 2 for 16. They even conveniently took the bat out of his hands twice i think with a bunt and the Dodgers are not a team known for bunting.


Right now I would bat Lux leadoff, Betts 2nd, Ohtani 3rd, Freeman 4th.


Mookie would always be my lead off


I’m a Doc apologist, but I’m with you I’d think Keirmaier would be in tonight


Okay guys I give up I’m going to keep my mouth shut about Lux, maybe, possibly, he may turn out to be okay.


Because they gave Kiermaier 16 at bats and he went 2 for 16. And Pages hit a homer off a RHP today.




Glad to c lux hit a bomb with his friends watching. Earlier in the year lux was jumping from any inside pitch. Now I think he needs to get a shot at lefties. If he could hold his own against lefties he would be quite valuable.

Doc is redeemed Pages with a blast! First homer since June 18. I’m shocked the Brewers are leaving Rea in.

stone may not last long but tonight he seems to be pitching with more conviction. Hopefully he gives us 6-7.


I wondered if one of the reasons we waived Rosario was because Lux is about to become full time at 2b.


The way he is hitting I think u got to give him some opportunities. Especially with some matchups.if u had to put a 2b in for him who will it b? I guess Rojas n Ahmed to play ss. Could put Mookie n pages in right. Edman is quite a 2baseman but not active. He is going to get chances.


Gavin Lux at the All-Star break: .562 OPS
Gavin Lux now: .670 OPS

OPS after AS break is over 1.03


his outs are often hard outs.

THIS is the former #2 prospect in the game! Finally!

Last edited 2 months ago by Bobby

Good take GOAT.
Smith having a good night.
stone looking good.




Dodgers gave Kiermaier 16 at bats to prove them wrong and he went 2 for 16. Also didn’t they have him bunt twice towards that 2 for 16 and the Dodgers are not a team known to bunt. No faith in him to get on base and perfect spots to keep him from trying to get on base with a hit? Now they put Pages in CF today and CF is not Pages strength and against a RHP and a RHP is not Pages strength. That should say something clearly. On top of that Pages hit a homer today. I think the Dodgers were desperate for a CF at the deadline and their target was Edman, but they knew Edman couldn’t play right away, so they got a cheap CF Kiermaier until Edman gets activated. I see a DFA coming for Kiermaier.

Last edited 2 months ago by Eric

Also I think it was Doc that pushed for a defensive CF (Kiermaier) and gave Kiermaier a chance to save a spot for him on the roster when crunch time comes and with 16 at bats Kiermaier went 2 for 16 and Friedman decided to pull the plug on Doc’s experiment. Remember Doc was a “defensive wizard” in CF back in his days. Whenever you see defense first on this team, the first thing that should come to mind is Doc. Doc does have infuence.

Last edited 2 months ago by Eric

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