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Dodger Baseball

Courtesy On Dodger Blogs

Fans are fickle. And they like to argue. Many think they are blessed with more baseball knowledge than other fans. While this is true in some cases, it is not in many others.

I have never claimed to know it all. Any baseball smarts I have come from the experience of watching the game, having played it when I was young, and reading extensively about the game and it’s history.

My team has always been the Dodgers. Being 10 when they moved to Los Angeles and being a native Angeleno had a lot to do with that. Had I been born somewhere else, who knows.

My passion for the game grew as the team got better and grew a lot after they won the 59 Series. I had been collecting baseball cards since about 1955. But I knew little about the game until the house father I had at the home I was living in started telling me about the players he had seen when he lived back on the east coast.

When I finally found out about computers and got one when I moved to Phoenix in 1998, I started following the Dodgers online.

Back then on their website, they had a section where fans could comment. It has since been removed. One reason I think was too many trolls, usually Giants fans stirring the pot, a lot like Twitter now.

When I first got on the Dodger feed on Twitter, most of the comments were from Dodger fans. Now most of them are advertisements, betting lines and all sorts of junk. And of course, the trolls.

Getting back to the comments section on the Dodger site, I found some pretty knowledgeable fans there. Some had some pretty out there ideas for trades. I am wondering if one of them was Bum in disguise.

But towards the end, it started to be a name calling thing. The person on the Dodgers end who monitored that stuff finally started blocking some posters. But then the next thing I knew, the comments section was gone.

I am not sure exactly when I found my first Dodger blog, but when I did, I really enjoyed the repartee with other fans. That site gradually degenerated into nothing but name calling and crap like that. If someone did not agree with your take, well, that was that and it was on.

Generally, we are not going to all agree. Sometimes we will. Baseball can be as divisive as it can be uniting. Ask 100 fans who the greatest to ever play the game was, and you will most likely get at least 60 different answers.

I myself was guilty of exactly what I am talking about. I would get pretty riled up at times. And I had some spirited arguments. But, I have mellowed ” some”. I still might get a little irritated, but I can pretty much control it.

Well sometimes anyway. My point is this, we all need to be as tolerant as possible. We are on these sites because of our love of baseball and the Dodgers. Disagree if you want, but let’s not forget to at least be courteous to the other fan.




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What you have directly addressed is why I found myself here. I’ve had my fill of intolerance and you offered something very different. I thank you again for your work.

“Jonny Farmelo is a 2023 OF/SS with a 6-2 200 lb. frame from Centreville, VA who attends Westfield HS. Recorded a 6.34 second 60-yard dash time. Large, athletic frame with an excellent combination of twitch and present strength. Primary outfielder who is a really good mover with fluid, athletic actions. Quick release with arm strength up to 91 mph. Comes out clean and maintains momentum really nicely. Left-handed hitter with a high hand set, high back elbow, and gap to gap approach. Above average bat speed with a consistent, repeatable swing. Very good bat to ball skills with strength behind it. Advanced hand eye coordination along with hit tool projection to profile nicely in centerfield. Tremendous student. Verbal commitment to Virginia.”

Ok. I like him. He’s bigger and stronger than other fleet footed outfielders we’ve drafted early. If it’s him, I’m fine with it.

Jeff Dominique

A little drama with tonight’s MLB draft. LSU CF has come out and said he wants $10MM. Pittsburgh has plenty of bonus pool, but they are very cost conscious so could be shifting their draft choice to Wyatt Langford, Florida CF who they believe they can sign for $500K to $1MM less than Crews.


So if he’s drafted #1 and doesn’t get it he won’t sign?

Looks like a young ego with ‘tude. Ef him. Let him fall. Doesn’t matter to us anyway. Unless he falls to 36. Can you spread bonus money out?


Jeff Passan (I think) has been theorizing that one team could “break” the draft. Just go wild signings every prospect who wanted high bonuses. Then suffer for the next couple of years with the consequences.


Passan wrote that 4 years ago.


It still holds true as bonus call and penalties are largely unchanged.

There is an update from this year by the great Kiley M, but it is paywalled:


Couldn’t access it.

The Dodgers would be the team to take a swing at this. All I can say now is I’ll believe it when I see it.


Oh. Everyone who speculates about it, kinda doesn’t anticipate it because of backlash on the owner level.

but this would be the year (very deep draft) and the Dodger, Mets, Yanks and Braves are the likeliest to attempt

Jeff Dominique

It could also be he did not want to sign with Pittsburgh.


True. But the system is what it is. Spend your arb years there and become a bazillionaire with the Yankees before you’re 30. And find some gratitude along the way.

Dionysus was my favorite Dodger forum, especially for prospects.

Then Spendodger–a personal friend–started his own newsletter and discussion board.

Scott Andes

Mt favorite site has always been 😆 this one has been pretty good too.


Naturally Scott. That is your site.

Scott Andes

Trying to get everyone laughing over here Bear.


We usually laugh at ourselves anyway.


Never heard of it.

Scott Andes

I’ve never heard of you


Very popular back in the day. Not so much now.

Jeff Dominique

I apologize to Bear. This was his. I got it late yesterday and did not get his name attached to it before published.


Well then thanks Bear.


No problem Badger. I knew Jefe would fix it.


Has anybody ever hit 40 home runs with 100 rbi and hit below .200?

Rob Schelling

Adam Dunn did it hitting.204. 41 HR, 105 RBI


That is as close as anyone ever got.

Jeff Dominique

One LAD pitching target has hit the IL. Jordan Montgomery left Saturday’s game (after 4.1 IP and 66 pitches) with a right hamstring injury. No mention in the severity just yet. But it is unlikely that he will pitch again before the trade deadline.

Singing the Blue

I declare Montgomery ineligible for a trade to the Dodgers. We only take guys with bad arms/shoulders. Bad hammies don’t qualify.


Depending on grade, hammies can heal. Elbows and shoulders are scarier.

Singing the Blue

Andrew only likes the scary stuff.



Scott Andes

I love you Bear, seriously. But most of the Dodger blogosphere is a nasty unsupportive toxic place. And my sister writes for two of the biggest sites. I’ve been writing for 15 years now, and have received little to no support from most of the other writers. Probably because I dont kiss everyone’s ass.

In contrast take a look at what the united Cardinals blogger alliance is and how they treat fellow writers. Stark difference.

Not sure why so many other Dodger writers are such assholes, but they are. not just Mark, other guys that I should name but don’t. At some point soon I will write the article I’ve wanted to write for many years, detailing all the asshole Dodger writers, and calling them out.

I like this place though. Jeff does a great job of being even-keel and still calling out Friedman and the Dodgers. Keep up the great work Jeff.


Scott. I remember when you were banned from Mark’s site. I saw what you wrote. Initially I would’ve been inclined to not ban you, but you forced Mark’s hand. You were unhinged and abusive, and your behavior was well beyond what should be acceptable. You know I’m right, and you know Mark was right to kick you off his site.

Your own site died precisely because it became toxic – not because other toxic people didn’t support you enough.

Scott Andes

You are so stupid patch, and so wrong. I was just participating in the conversation when you and Mark began insulting me because you and him didn’t agree with my opinion, which is something that Mark does to all of his posters. But you particularly are pathetic because you are one of Mark’s staunchest minions and continually kiss his ass.

Mark deserved everything I said to him and more. You don’t know the whole backstory anyways beyond what was said that day.

My site isn’t dead jerk, but was marginalized by Mark multiple times. My site isn’t toxic, I’m just not afraid to write the truth and call people out when the situation calls for it.

My advice for you is to get bent and get a life.

Last edited 1 year ago by Scott Andes

This comment of yours is a good illustration of the behavior that I was talking about.

Scott Andes

The proof of what a piece of crap you are and liar is on the site. Anyone can see what you’re saying is wrong. Especially since the sole reason you came over to this article on this site was only to insult and bully me.

But keep being a useless kiss ass blowhard Patch. Just wait for that article buddy!

Scott Andes

BTW you will be in my article as an extreme example of mob mentality and hopeless ass kissing.


That’s ok. If you post it to your site, no one will read it anyway.

Scott Andes

Keep thinking that you idiot


You’ve got some nasty issues, Patch. I guess that’s why you still post at Mark’s.

Scott Andes

He’s one of Mark’s biggest supporters, follows him around agreeing with everything he says. Anytime anyone disagrees with His opinion, or Mark’s he imediately degrades, bullies and insults. But he takes extra time out of his day ocassionally to come over to my site and bully and insult me. He tells me I am “unhinged” and abusive and tells me my site sucks and is dead and nobody reads it.

I had the audacity to disagree with him and Mark about Friedman and was run off the site. But first I was belittled, insulted, called an idiot, and then when I attacked back, I was banned. Fine with me. I’m not one to back down from a fight, especially with such a hack hypocrite like Patch.

This won’t be the last time he’ll try bullying, insulting me. interesting because I think I remember him claiming to be very religious. I wonder if his church, pastor etc know about him bullying and insulting people on the internet?

Last edited 1 year ago by Scott Andes

No. Not unhinged at all.

Scott Andes

You are unhinged not me, and everyone can see it via your bullying behavior. Does your pastor know about you bullying and insulting people on the internet?


My lord and savior is Andrew Friedman. I put my faith in him.

Scott Andes

pathetic Patch, and you are calling me unhinged?


Not only baseball blogs, there are several social media places that are nothing but toxic. My personal belief is that it is on the site administrator to get a handle on it and stop it asap. There is so much hatred and disparity in this country now. It is damn near impossible to get people to even talk to each other. One thing the internet has really destroyed in my opinion, the ability to communicate on a one to one level.


The uneducated mixing with the educated is oil and water.

Scott Andes

Its hard to communicate with people like Patch because he’s such a brainless kiss ass snobby jerk. I agree with you bear.

Singing the Blue

As I do at this time every year, I’d like to remind everyone of Future Dodgers. Justin does a great job on the draft and on Rule 5 eligible players. I know Jeff follows him as well.

Rule 5: the following guys were eligible last year but not taken. They’ve all improved enough that if they aren’t protected, they’re probably gone this winter: Ramos, Feduccia, Mann

The following will be eligible for the first time this winter and would almost definitely be taken: Frasso, Knack, Hurt

He also does a very thorough job on the draft. Has a rundown on many of the possibilities that would still be around when the Dodgers draft and then follows up with a complete Dodger draft list and whether or not they’ve ultimately signed.

Here’s the link:


Well that was more information than I was prepared to receive. It appears he likes shortstops. I’m still thinking if there are any big arms there at 36 that’s what the Dodgers will do. Sykora is my choice. He’s picked Texas but offer the money and he will sign.

Last edited 1 year ago by Badger
Singing the Blue

As I recall, we drafted more position players than usual last year so they may go back to being pitcher-dominant this year. If so, you may get your man, Badger.

We seem expecially fond of using our first choice on a pitcher who is scheduled for TJ (Buehler comes to mind but there have been others).

Gasparino’s son is expected to go in this draft as well as our former coach George Lombard’s son. Lombard is expected to go in the first round.

Jeff Dominique

Travis Sykora is a good one. Back in April I was hoping Sykora would be there at #36. He might. I also liked the high risk high reward Tanner Witt. This is a deep draft. Unless I am shocked by the pick (like Echavarria) the Dodgers should get a good one at # 1 and #2.


Vargas optioned.

Longenhagen’s last mock has LAD taking:
36. Los Angeles Dodgers
Pick: Steven Echavarria, RHP, Millburn HS (NJ)

Jeff Dominique

He is a 2nd round pick. There are too many better picks. This is actually a good draft. If Echevarria is gone by pick 60, there are plenty others who can slide into the 2nd round for LAD.


I’m so happy to hear all the boos this clown commissioner is getting from the crowd.


Agree 100% Bobby. The SOB deserves it.

Jeff Dominique

I am stumped. Kendall George is the Dodgers #1 pick. He was the #65 ranked player with two below average skills; power and arm. He was a 2nd round pick at best. This is BY FAR the biggest reach in the draft. He is a very fast CF. Jeren Kendall, Jake Vogel. How did they work out? I can see this being one that I will be scratching my head and criticizing for quite awhile. Gasparino will spin and sell this, but it makes no sense as their #1.

Rob Schelling

Definitely seems like a 3rd down punt. Makes no sense whatsoever


I think they drafted him because of his speed. He is a Juan Pierre type hitter. Never will be a home run threat.


Jeren Kendall. Only smaller.

One way or another, people will be talking about this one for a long time.

Singing the Blue

Looks like they’re playing some $ games. Will probably go substanially over slot on one of their next few picks.

So this guy’s comp is Juan Pierre. Well, better a Juan Pierre clone than a Jeren Kendall clone. Pierre actually got ROY and MVP votes during his career.

Apparently the Dodger told him there was a good chance they’d be taking him with pick #60 and then turned around and used #36 on him.


Juan Pierre? Ok. That might work. He got on base ok, stole a lot of bases, decent defense for a while, lead the league in caught stealing 7 times, played everyday. Hit 18 home runs… in 14 years. Interesting Dodgers pick. Especially with the history of Kendall and Vogel.

Hoping for a Corbin Carroll clone?

Last edited 1 year ago by Badger

Maybe the Dodgers got all excited about De La Cruz steals yesterday.



Singing the Blue

Attn: Bums

We haven’t traded for Zack Gelof but we just drafted his brother, Jake with our second pick. Also a third baseman.


It appears maybe he fell a few picks?

3b redux. Got it wrong last time.


I saw that but I haven’t seen any stats for him. I guess I finally got a Gelof.

Jeff Dominique

You may not like this one. He is a right hand version of Max Muncy. He has a power swing with big time pull side power who walks. He swings hard all of the time. He has bought into power.
His best position may end up at 1B.

Singing the Blue

Which Max Muncy? The one before the injury or today’s version? The 2018, 2019 and 2021 version, all with OPS+ of over 130 would be very acceptable to me.


Lkke it


Yeah. Looks like they went way under slot for the first pick, look for some much higher variance Day two picks



“We’re gonna go out and hopefully get…more HS guys tomorrow. And George should give us a little flexibility in doing that”


What does that mean?


Save money early to spend it later.


Hmm. 36 has a slot value of $2.36 million. Does this suggest George will sign for less?

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